Waiting on Wednesday: 4/17/13

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what we’re patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) waiting on! This meme is hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. 

     In Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, Cath is a Simon Snow fan. Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan, but for Cath, being a fan is her life—and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.
     Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.
     Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.
Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.
     For Cath, the question is: Can she do this? Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories? Open her heart to someone?
Or will she just go on living inside somebody else’s fiction?
Available: September 10, 2013
Published by: St. Martin’s Griffin

Why I’m waiting: As I just started reading Eleanor & Park, I love Rainbow Rowell’s writing style. The humor and light heartedness is exactly what I need right now. And on top of that, this book is really for fangirls (like me!!!!)  everywhere. I’m so excited about this book and I can’t wait to see what is so special about this Simon Snow!

2 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday: 4/17/13

  1. Eleanor and Park is such a perfect book! This sounds great too. I look forward to reading more from this author, definitely. 🙂

    My W.O.W.

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