TTT: Books I Read Before I was a Blogger

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week we will post a new Top Ten list. Everyone is welcome to join.    

This week’s topic is:
Top Ten Books I read before I was a Blogger 
These are in no particular order.

I didn’t read many young adult books as a teen. (Oh the irony smh) I read mostly adult titles, classics (for AP English) and middle grades to my little sister. I don’t  want to include the adult titles only because this is a MG/YA/NA type of blog. Sooooo here’s my Top 10!

Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots (The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids, #1)Kristy's Great Idea (The Baby-Sitters Club, #1)Matilda
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective (Encyclopedia Brown, #1)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Romeo and JulietMacbethThe Great Gatsby
To Kill a Mockingbird
1. The Bailey School Kids series: I would grab a bunch of these at a time as a teen and lay with my little sister and read to her as she fell asleep. I remember loving them! 
2. The Babysitter’s Club: A friend of my mother’s had a daughter a couple years older than me. She knew that I loved to read, so she gave me her entire collection of the Babysitter’s Club. And when I say entire, I mean just about the whole series missing like one or two. I remember spending an entire summer reading the entire series. This inevitably brought up my love for all the spin off series too. 
3. Matilda by Roald Dahl: Matilda was so adorable. The characters in this book were all amazing and frightening at the same time. This is also the first book to movie that I remember reading and watching the movie. 
4. The Encyclopedia Brown series: One of my earliest memories of reading is going to the library with my mother and then going to get a Blizzard from Dairy Queen and then sitting in a booth with my mother while she read to me, or I read to her. We read these so we could interact together. I sucked at finding the answers, but she rocked lol 
5. The Harry Potter series: I remember being in 5th grade and picking up this off the shelf. I wasn’t expecting to love this as much as I did, but I couldn’t put it down. By the time I started the series it was already the first 3 out. I remember plowing through them all, reading them everywhere, just as underneath our dining room table. 
6. The Twilight series: Oh hush, I know you’re looking at this screen like O_o lol but I really did like this book. I didn’t read it until I was in college, but I remember it being out when I was in middle school (0_0 geez I felt old just now lol) But this series opened me up to the YA genre and I remember looking around different websites to find more books like it and discovered the wonderful world of book blogging! I just couldn’t muster up enough courage to make my own : 
7. Romeo and Juliet: This I read in high school. I loved it when everyone hated it. I remember reading it aloud and rejoicing in the fact that I got to read Juliet lol 
8. Macbeth: I freakin loved this. The main reason? Lady Macbeth lol 
9. The Great Gatsby: I think I remember liking this one so much because he was so wealthy. It made me think of everything I would do with all that money lol 
10. To Kill a Mockingbird: This book is my everything. I read it for the first time in 8th grade and I remember being so overcome with every emotion. And this was the first book about racism I remember reading. I loved this because it made me think. 

2 thoughts on “TTT: Books I Read Before I was a Blogger

  1. ahhh memories. The babysitter's club was DEF one of my staples. I had sooo many of those books. Love Harry Potter! And Matilda! And Twilight! AND… haha.
    I plan on reading The Great Gatsby sometime this year.
    Great list 🙂

  2. Nice list Nikki! I also added Twilight, but then realized I was out of room! I did a Harry Potter book and I can't believe I didn't add TKAM! That was my favorite book ever pre-blogging!

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

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