2013 Challenges!

As if you didn’t already know, 2013 is sure to be filled with many different, exciting books. My plan is to read them ALL and complete some challenges doing it. Ok, so mayve reading them all isn’t really being realistic, but I certainly do want to read them all lol So as I am reading into 2013, here are the things I hope to accomplish by the end of the year:

Challenge #1: Read 75 books by the end of the year
This year I think I started wit my challenge being only 50 because of school and other personal things. But then I supassed that by a long shot and was like oh forget it. And then I upped it to 65 and then I surpassed that too. So then I went to 75 and I couldn’t meet it. But this year, in 2013, I want to meet and surpass it. I’m going to originally start with that so there’s no confusion and no messing it up as I go along. 
Challenge #2: ABC 
Although I tried this last year, it was my first real year in blogging and I wasn’t really that conscience of it. This year I plan to remember that there is a puspose for me to be reading all these and to knock out each letter as quickly as possible.
Challenge #3: 2013 TBR pile
In case you can’t already tell, my TBR pile is out of control. I want so bad to trim it down, but I keep getting more and more books smh like I can read them all at once or something. It really is bad… So, in order to trim it down, I plan to join this challenge in hopes to clean up my shelves a little bit.

Challenge #4: New Adult Challenge
This new genre is coming and making a huge splash in the industry and I am definitely excited. I read a couple books that were considered New Adult this year and I loved them. I hope to find more that I love in 2013!

The bad thing about these challenges…. They can’t overlap. One is only for 2013 releases and the other is just for 2012 and later releases. Hopefully I can work out a rhythm to get and keep me on track for them both…. 

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy