Stacking the Shelves #20

This bookish meme tells about all the books you have acquired throughout the week. Either through buying them, borrowing them, or for review! It’s hosted by Tynga’s Reviews!

This week is a very, Very, VERY special edition of Stacking the Shelves. Why you ask?! It features my very first bout of physical ARC’s that I got from the publisher themselves!!!!!! *Cues music* You guys, I like legit cried when I got the email saying I was getting something from Penguin. I even delayed my trip home for the holiday because I wanted to be there when it arrived because I thought they were sending me something on accident because ironically I hadn’t requested any of these. They just showed up! But finally, it came and this is what I got! 

For Review: 
The Ultra Violets by Sophie Bell
The Different Girl by Gordon Dahlquist
Nameless by Lili St. Crow
A HUGE thank you goes out to Penguin and its imprints (Dutton, Viking, & Razorbill)!
E-Books for Review: 
A Shimmer of Angels (Angel Sight, #1)Criminal
A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa M. Basso
Criminal by Terra Elan McVoy
A big thank you to NetGalley, Edelweiss, Month9Books, & Simon Pulse!
So Close to You (So Close to You, #1)
So Close to You by Rachel Carter
Other Bookish Things: 
All the Harry Potter movies 1-7.5! I got them all for $1.96 each from Wal-Mart on Black Friday! It definitely warmed my <3!
So my week in books was pretty exciting! 
What about yours? 
Leave me a link and I’ll be sure to visit! 

10 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #20

  1. a shimmer of angels – so beautiful and
    all 7 harry potter books…..double amazing.

    do check mine too if you have the time here

    Le' Grande Codex

  2. What an awesome surprise from Penguin!! That Black Friday deal on the HP movies is ridiculously amazing! What a great find! I hope you enjoy! πŸ™‚

    You can check out what books I got this week here!

  3. Yay, CONGRATS! And omg, I wish I could've bought all the HP movies, that is an awesome sale. Enjoy everything! πŸ˜€

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves πŸ™‚

  4. I've heard that So Close to You is really great! I have in on my Nook but I haven't read it yet. Happy reading πŸ™‚

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  5. So Close to You was one of my anticipated reads. I'm kind of sad though because I've heard some really mixed reviews. I hope you enjoy it though. πŸ™‚

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. Ahhh, congratulations, girl! SO excited for you. Also, SO CLOSE TO YOU was pretty good. I hope you like it. πŸ™‚

  7. Criminal has been a a few different Stacking the Shelves this week. I'm going to have to check it out a.s.a.p.

    Please check out my Stacking the Shelves at Read. Sleep. Repeat.

    (new follower via GFC)

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Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her