Falling Under by Gwen Hayes

Ebook, 237 pages
Published March 1st 2011 
Penguin Group (USA)
Source: Own
Theia Alderson has always led a sheltered life in the small California town of Serendipity Falls. But when a devastatingly handsome boy appears in the halls of her school, Theia knows she’s seen Haden before- not around town, but in her dreams.
As the Haden of both the night and the day beckons her closer one moment and pushes her away the next, the only thing Theia knows for sure is that the incredible pull she feels towards him is stronger than her fear.
And when she discovers what Haden truly is, Theia’s not sure if she wants to resist him, even if the cost is her soul.
Let me start off by saying, this book and I had a love hate relationship. For the longest, I wasn’t sure if I liked it because I genuinely liked the story, or if I liked it so much because I LOVED Twilight….. (He was even calling her LAMB!) But then I realized that I liked it when it finally broke into its own story…. Even if it did take until page 163 of 237 pages.
The beginning and the middle was where it felt like I had read it before. The plot was extremely predictable and I knew what was coming up at every turn of the page.  I was getting sort of bored because it felt like it didn’t have its own spine…. (Get it? Lol jk) Anyways, it felt like I would never make it to the end. But I kept reading it and I finally made it to the climax of the story.
The end is what totally blew me away. It was not at all what I was expecting. To put it plain and simple, it took me awhile to read this because I thought I was reading another book over again, but the end made me not want to put the book down! It was full of suspense and the darkness of the book made me want to read the book whenever I could.
One thing I LOVED about the book, was that it had a bit of mythology mixed in it. The Hades and Persephone myth. You can read the myth here.
Then, at sometime during the story, I fell in love with Haden. He possessed every component of a “paranormal bad boy.” He was a jerk, dark, mysterious, and half of him was inhuman. Lets not forget his totally freaky, gorgeous mother. The romance scenes also made me fall for him more. They were indeed a little too hot to be in a YA novel (well to me anyways…), but still I enjoyed it.
Overall, I give this **** (4 out of 5)

Falling Under by Gwen Hayes

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her linktr.ee/take_me_awayyy