Top 10 Tuesday

Ok ok, so this week I’m a little late with my Top 10 post because I started school back and I was overly excited about it for some reason lol So, here is my Top 10 list!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the fabulous The Broke and The Bookish.
This week’s theme: 
Top Ten Bookish Confessions

1. I DESPISE people who dog ear pages. Its like sacrilegious. 
2. I have a love/hate relationship with my E-reader… I love that its light and can hide the cover from nosey people but I hate that I don’t have a physical book in my hands and I hate that I can’t really “turn a page.” 
3. I judge my “real” boyfriend on fictional boys. (Ex: “Aww baby Edward said ‘Look after my heart, I’ve left it with you.’ YOU never told me that before!” :p) [Because of this I have over 50 fictional boyfriends lmao]
4. I have a crap load of books on my shelves and my Nook. So many that alot of them have not been read. I just keep buying them because I PLAN to read them…. One day lol
5. I HATE reading the last book in a series that I adored. Just because I don’t like that “Damn its really over” feeling.
6. I HATE when there is a book coming out and the hype is through the roof. I will wait and wait until I feel like it died down enough for me to read it.
7. When I go to the library I always get between 3-5 books. It’s like OCD or something. 
8. I love buying books on my Nook because of instant gratification, but then I wish I had bought the physical copy because I want the pretty cover. 
9. I am one of those people who judges a book by its cover smh. If its really pretty, I will give reading it a try. If its ugly, it will be like pulling teeth to get me to read it. 
10. I ALWAYS read the book before its made into a movie. Even if I have read the story already. (Ex. Breaking Dawn pt 2 comes out in November. I plan on re-reading it in October.) Just because I’m one of those people that will whisper the entire time “That’s NOT how it happened in the book!” I like to see how accurate the director can be.  

Take Me Away

Diverse Book Blogger. Diverse YA Librarian. Wonder Woman enthusiast. Bookish Blerd. "GryffinClaw" Geek extraordinaire. Pitbull mom. She/her